Can you believe that 2020 is now banging on the door!

You’re probably figuring out how to kick off the year right, deciding on what projects you’re looking forward to working on? What better way to do that than to invest in a project planner that’ll inspire you not only to get your stuff done—but to help you stay on track with your plans.
For the past 12 months, I have been combining a classic happy planner; logging all my daily tracking with an Excel spreadsheet to keep myself motivated and focused on my projects for the year.

So how to stay on track
It is a real eye-opener when you start looking at your progress as a whole on a spreadsheet. Where you can see at-a-glance what you have achieved to-date and where some of your projects might be being neglected.
I check the tracker and when I see a neglected project, I ask myself the questions….. Is this to be a UFO project? or do I make this a focus piece next month?
Happy Planner/spreadsheet or both?
I love to have my Classic happy planner sat by my stitching-spot so that it is at hand to quickly jot down what I have stitched on, what threads I need or notes and idea’s as I think of them. It is always a good idea to have your planner to hand when you’re watching Flosstube – just for that enabling moment…. We all have them!
The thing that really keeps me on track is my excel spreadsheet that allows me to see everything for the month with trend bars and the overview for the year.
Knowing how important it is to have your plans and to be able to see if you’re staying on track, I thought I would share my spreadsheet with those who make be interested.
This spreadsheet is great if; like me, you just want to make sure all your projects are getting some of your time and love and to see at a glance your finishes and where you might be neglecting a project or two.
Oh my Gosh! I am so excited to get started with this! This is right up my alley. Enough bells and whistles to make it practical, and not over run by other things that I know I won’t need. It’s perfect! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Hey Barb, So pleased that it will be useful to you 🙂 Happy stitching and tracking!
Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing the spreadsheet – that is a heck of a lot of work with some detailed formulas. I am a spreadsheet person also and use them frequently so really appreciate this. Have been dipping into your videos for a few weeks now and am loving them. I am a Scot, now displaced and living in California for 20+ years. It is lovely hearing your friendly chatty voice, I also love when you share your garden (love the dahlias) trips to the needlework shows, retreats etc. Keeps me in touch with home. I have cross stitched since my 20s (now mid 60s) but was away from it due to carpel tunnel. But then a few months ago I discovered FlossTube and all you lovely FlossTube ladies have been sharing all the different hoop/frame stands so now I can stitch again.
Hi Gillian! I’m so pleased you like the spreadsheet and thank you for your of my channel. So pleased to hear you are back to stitching with all the new modern tools that are available. Happy tracking and stitching ?
This tracker is amazing as is your kindness for sharing it with other stitchers! Thank you!
Thank you Tamara
Thank you so much for sharing your spreadsheet. I was watching your flosstube and loving it thinking I must embark on creating my own and much to my surprise you kindly offered to share yours. I am taking part in the Year of Wips this year through Soulful Stitching on FB I have selected 40 wips to work on and this will be a great way to track my progress. Hope your new year is filled with stitchy goodness xx
Hi Tracy! Wow 40 wips go you! How the spreadsheet helps with tracking your progress ?