Today is the launch day of my newly created stitching digital planners.

You all know how much I loved my Shazie C paper planner, being able to keep track of my Wips, progress, recording stash – the list goes on. But…I found that it wasn’t working efficiently for me. My planner was not always in the same room when I just needed to jot something down. You know the enabling moments whilst laying in bed watching Flosstube. Being a lady of a certain age, my brain at times behaves like a fish and just will not retain the information that I want it to.
Lightbulb moment
So whilst chilling with Flosstube friends one evening in bed and again just needing to put another “I must have” on my wishlist (Did I emphasis the MUST enough). The lightbulb moment happened! There I am surrounded by all my digital devices (an Ipad, iPhone, and Tablet), all dotted around me on the bed and bedside – why don’t I have a digital planner? I always have my Ipad or iPhone next to me or in my hand!
So for the past few months, I have been researching and developing ideas of the sort of planner I wanted for my stitching, planning and journaling for my Flosstube channel – For me, the two really have to go together. Of course, I searched the web from an off the shelf digital planner but the only planners I could find were the printables that I already have.
So with the knowledge that there was nothing on the market that met my needs, I took the plunge and decided to create my own.
It has been a long few months testing and tweaking and finally, I finished it.
This is your all in one stitching planner, it looks after all your project planning and tracking, along with logging your progress and journalling for those that like to. In addition, the Flosstuber planner comes with a section of layouts all for helping to create your Flosstube videos and channel planning.
I have been using it for a while now, and absolutely love it! What is not to like about planning!.
I have created an Etsy shop (THBdigitaldesigns) if you would like to check it out. (The Etsy shop and listings have been more stressful than the planner building lol!) The Etsy shop is now up and running where I have loaded both planners each in four different colours.
*****Please note that both planners essentially have the same content the exception is that the Flosstuber planner has an additional section with additional layouts for those that create Flosstube videos.*******

Decisions, Decisions
Now the dilemma of deciding which planner colour I will personally use. At first, I was sure I would pick the pink one, but now I really like the Grey and Purple one – I guess I had better decide soon.
Lockdown planning commences
Given the way of the world right now, I will put my time to good use and get all my stitching organized for the rest of the year.
I plan to get some of my projects, stash, and planning into the planner and then post a video on Flosstube for a little flip through and a closer look at the differences between the two planners, so you can all see how they work.
So for those of you that like a little planning and organizing I look forward to any questions or comments you all have on this post or on the comments in the coming video
Hi, can you plz include the link to your shop as well? It is impossible to find at the moment. Congrants on the new venture ?
Thank you for your comment there is a link direct to the Etsy site in the blog post but here is the link ?